Monday, March 16, 2009

The cold light of Monday morning

Cartoon courtesy of Savage Chickens.

Seven weeks into the Open Turntable's run at Element and we had more DJs through the door than people. How sad is that? Attendance has been declining ever since we started on February 1 (60+ paying customers), but we've always had a core of 10-12 who at least put in an appearance.

Not yesterday.

Yesterday, we had a grand total of six (6) people who came out to witness the musical craftsmanship of the 7 attending DJs. And it was on, too; everybody was in top form.

To add insult to serious injury, plastered all over facebook today are the pics of those regulars giving it hell on the dancefloor the night before in the very same bar. I'm glad they had a good time, but could they not spend an hour and drop by the following afternoon. Apparently not.

As you can see, I'm finding it hard not to take this all personally. The thing is that a bad day like yesterday can spell the end of an endeavour such as OTT. I mean, it is entirely possible that Element's Sunday Club spun its last record at 8pm, March 15th, 2009.

The irony is that next weekend they'll all be bitching because there's nothing going on. Such is the fickle nature of the crowd.

Friday, March 13, 2009

To critical acclaim

For all the would-be critics out there I would encourage you to screen "Heckler". It says things that should have been said to the critical community by the artists a long time ago. It has been my considered opinion for some time that critics in general, and internet critics specifically, write reviews more for their own glory than as a guide for the general public. We do occassionally publish reviews here at Kitchen Heat, but we only review what we like. That is to say we never eviserate anybody's art, only praise the art we appreciate the most.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mix Menu

Check out the list of free mixes in the "Menu" section to the right. All mixes are 70+ minute, 192kbps mp3 files.